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Three Reasons Why Your Online Career is Stuck

stuck-careerJobs offered for online execution have been an inspiration to most stay at home moms and to those who have been jobless or has no career for quite some time. It has given them another reason to smile with the idea of earning in the comfort of their homes. With the rise of different outsourcing companies in need of reliable online workers for various businesses, many had jumped into the caravan of pursuing their own online careers.

But not all who joined in the trend had success stories to share. Unfortunately, there are factors that were left behind by people who thought that working online is an easy job. 

1. Less commitment

Working online is far different from working in the corporate world. In corporate offices, you probably have a superior who would give you tasks and monitor whether you are doing them correctly and on time. In pursuing an online career, you are your own boss. Therefore you have to adjust in all aspects when it comes to your work. Clients may live from different countries, which means they could have a different time zone from where you are. Do not commit to schedules which you are unsure of. Don’t schedule conference meetings at a time which you knew would be impossible for you. Keeping up with your commitments is very important to both of you, as employer and employee. You have the same goals and objectives. Failure to do so even just once could negatively impact your online career.

2. Language barrier

You mostly have the skills and talents to cater to your clients. However, communication is imperative in nurturing your relationship with them. There could be no problem unless your client has the same native tongue as yours. Yet, considering that English is the most used language in any part of the world, you can never be competitive enough if you can’t communicate clearly in English. In job applications and interviews, how you master the English language can determine your capabilities. So even if you’re great at web design and application, if you cannot relay your thoughts to your client, other providers might be chosen instead of you. 

3. Unwillingness to learn

The Internet is mostly known as the worldwide web. People may be drawn from one site to another in an endless surf of information. Therefore, as a person aiming to succeed in online career, you should also be open to the idea of continuous learning. From time to time, the trend changes, especially when it comes to online marketing and other Internet-related jobs. Meaning you also have to keep up with that change. Employers normally advise their staff if there are innovations or changes in systems but it is most appealing to have suggestions from you. If you remain on your own hive, your own method even if it means you are being outdated, then you are in for an unpromising career online.

To end this post, let me leave you with these saying: “One of the greatest things about being an online worker: whether you sink or swim depends mostly on you.”


@virtary founder - bionic freak woman

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Charlie Bavister

    Online career is not that interactive and this is the main reason. The language barrier is also the most common problem. Thanks for sharing this valuable information.

  2. Emma

    Nicely Define!, Agree with all three factors you described but for me what always remains the first is setting aside time to ponder is the first step toward getting out of your rut and moving forward. Schedule some time in your day for an uninterrupted meeting with yourself. This is your time to think. Determine what makes you happy at work, what doesn’t, and where you’d like to go.

  3. Ankit Panda

    Nice career blog Rieni! Thanks for making this article!

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