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Being a VA Depends on Internet Connection


The 1st thing we need to remember is that working online means you depend 100% on your internet connection. It is extremely important to prepare a good and reliable connection before moving further into the business. There were several times during Virtary recruitment interviews where the internet connection caused major problems. It was on instant messenger and is an overall bad experience. 

In bad situations like this, you can ask to be excused for one-two days. But truth is, clients can’t wait (and they won’t wait) forever. They have the inquiries, and surely they won’t be willing to let our ‘connection schedule’ control their activities. So, try it hard to make sure that ‘Sorry disconnected’ or “Sorry no service” will only be spoken in the times of emergency. Times where there’s really nothing you can do to fix it.

Internet connection may not be a problem in major Western countries, but IT IS still a problem in Indonesia. Based on our own experience, living in the capital city of Indonesia doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t have a slow connection. You might have good enough speed to do social media chit chat, but when it comes to work, bump! The connection is as fast as a snail walks, LOL!

So, it is not true that building a virtual assistant business won’t cost you anything. Because surely you must invest in a fast internet connection to start.

We’ve received quite a lot of inquiries, job application letters, and even short messages asking how to start working as a Virtual Assistant. So thank you for reaching out to us! Although we don’t claim to be an expert, we are delighted to share some of our experiences. We hope it could be useful references. 




@virtary founder - bionic freak woman

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